Diabetes Life Solutions: Discover Record-Low Life Insurance Rates For Diabetics

Diabetes Life Solutions is an online service that provides life insurance quotes in real-time from 50 reliable life insurance companies. Customers can purchase insurance through any of the firms listed. According to the results of the most recent study, people with diabetes can get a range of affordable life insurance choices. Also, the number of people with diabetes has reached an all-time low.

A lot of people in the United States (9.4%) were identified with diabetes in 2015, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA). Eighty-four million American adults who are 18 or over also suffer from pre-diabetes, which increases the increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.  Often times finding life insurance with diabetes can be challenging.

They are among the lowest costs of life insurance that we’ve witnessed in the last the last 25 years. In anticipation of National Diabetes Month in November we conducted a brand new study. The results revealed that there’s a thriving and thriving life insurance market for those with diabetes who adhere to their doctors’ orders and remain steady. We hope our findings will help those suffering from diabetes seeking the best deal on life insurance.

The table below illustrates the most affordable monthly rates for people with type 2 diabetes, with no other health issues, and is rated as a low-risk policy of 20 years with a medical professional as the underwriter. The policy will cover the death of any cause at any point and from any location except for suicide within the initial two years of the policy (or one year in some states). The sample 20-year term life insurance rates are subject to the initial underwriting of a medical professional. They can also be renewed without proof of insurance up to the age of 90+. Certain plans are able to be converted to permanent coverage without additional underwriting.

Sample 20 Year Term Life Premiums for Type 2 Diabetics
Female Monthly Rates
Sample 20 Year Term Life Premiums for Type 2 Diabetics
Male Monthly Rates

Chris Stocker with Diabetes 365 stated that the 20-year term policy was our most popular. Diabetes Life Solutions offers other rate guarantee plans, like 10, 15 25, and 30 year life-style policies.  Chris also notes that the healthier lifestyle a person lives, the lower their premiums will be.

The sample premiums are based on an application that is completed, an examination for paramedical reasons, the examination of medical records, and the approval of each underwriting firm. It’s clear that applicants with diabetes are able to secure assurance of peace of mind with attractive prices, according to the Vice President.  Final premiums will be determined once an applicant goes through the application process.

Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are the two types of diabetes that the CDC lists. People with type 1 diabetes have beta-cells in their pancreas killed by their immune system. These are the only cells that make insulin, a hormone that controls blood sugar levels. Type 1 diabetics are treated via injection or pump. The condition is more prevalent among young children and accounts for around 5 percent of all diabetes cases in adults.

It’s even quite possible for children with diabetes to obtain life insurance.  Many parents or grandparents are under the impression that young children with type 1 diabetes cannot qualify for coverage.  That’s simply not true.

About 90 to 95 percent of adults in the US have type 2 diabetes. It usually starts with insulin resistance, which means that cells can’t use insulin properly, and the pancreas stops making insulin.

The assessment and underwriting of people who suffer from diabetes by life insurance companies differ widely, which is why it is essential to research and work with an agency with expertise in a variety of insurers.  You want to make sure your agent or broker is ‘shopping’ out your unique health profile to several life insurance companies. 

Diabetes Life Solutions offers instant life insurance quotes for diabetics of type 1 and 2. Our licensed agents are able to offer personalized advice and support to our clients or they can provide quotes anonymously, purchase online, and do so in complete privacy.  Quotes and information is free, and we’re able to help anyone living in the United States obtain affordable diabetes life insurance coverage.

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